Por Ana Beatriz Zanuni e Luana Carasek*
A pauta de segurança alimentar e nutricional nos Estados Unidos
04/12/2022 08:00:00 / por BMJ Consultores postado em Estados Unidos, Saúde, covid-19, USA, EUA, insegurança alimentar, bens de consumo, desnutrição, desabastecimento
Discussions about 5g in Brazil and the role of the Legislative Branch
13/10/2020 11:53:49 / por BMJ Consultores postado em China, 5g, Huawei, 5g technology, Legislative Branch, USA
By Fábio Lobato and Luan Madeira*
Much is said about the arrival of 5G connectivity in Brazil and the radio frequency auctions scheduled for 2021. The political scenario that permeates this advent and its eventual political-economic consequences are hot topics. Inevitably, in the same way, international issues involving trade disputes between China and the United States and the possibility of banning the Chinese company Huawei from taking part in the country's telecommunications infrastructure are also gaining prominence.